Chiropractors, are they worth the hype?

Hell yes!  I am an athlete, and even if I wasn’t I would still be physically active for at least an hour and a half each day by choice.  I love working out, eating healthy, and improving my health.

Yet, everybody, athlete or not, active or not, understands the aches and pains of everyday life.  A tight back, a painful shoulder, and a tweaker knee are all common inconveniences that many of us feel on the daily.

The majority of us — young or old — can wake up in the morning and feel something that hurts or is out of place.  We can stretch, ice, take Motrin, but at the end of the day it only gets worse.

The solution: A trained professional who makes a few adjustments and your feeling better.

I will be the first to admit, I was skeptical.  First visit…….. CRACK!!!!  I’m sure they could hear my back popping in the next town over.  (Disclaimer: This is not a joke).  5 hours later, I couldn’t bend over I was so sore.  He had cracked my neck, popped my back, and re-aligned my hips.  The next day I woke up and realized that my back wasn’t tight.

I will gladly take a few hours of soreness in return for an overall better feeling body and day of the week.  For anybody who is debating whether it’s worth the price, I am here to tip the scale.  Try it once or twice and see for yourself.

– Buzz